13 Ways To Maximize Dynamic Ads For Broad Audiences Campaigns

September 20, 2023

In the past, we’ve talked a lot about DPAs, or Dynamic Product Ads, and how they’re the cornerstone of any eCommerce brand's good paid advertising strategy. 

And for good reason! 

For most eCommerce brands, Dynamic Product Ads (DPAs) are used as a tool for capturing customers from retargeting ads to a bottom-funnel audience. 

In other words, they’re effective as HELL when you’re trying to make sales! 

But what about reaching new audiences, and finding NEW people who aren’t yet acquainted with your brand? 

Is there any way to maximize the sales and revenue from your existing DPAs, while also boosting your acquisition numbers? 

Cue Dynamic Ads for Broad Audiences, which we’ll refer to as DABAs from here on out! 

Below, we’re diving into everything there is to know about Dynamic Ads for Broad Audiences, and exploring a few grade A tips to ensure your next DABA campaign gets the best possible results! 

What are Dynamic Ads for Broad Audiences (DABA)?

DABAs aren’t really any different from DPAs. 

The only difference is that DABAs are DPAs + a broad audience. 

So instead of targeting a narrow, or “warm” audience, DABAs retarget your ads to a broad, or “cold” audience. 

Which, by default, isn’t the go-to choice for marketers, since it’s generally harder to sell to a cold audience, which also means it can be more expensive to sell to a cold audience. 

But the problem is that your “warm” audience can quickly become overwhelmed and drained, leaving you with fewer and fewer warm prospects to show your ads to. 

On the other hand, there’s no shortage of prospects in a “cold” audience. 

So, although it can be more challenging to sell to them, targeting a much broader audience, really can be useful when trying to get your content in front of new social users to grow your overall reach as a business. 

Essentially, running a DPA campaign is a bit like fishing in a pond where there are only 10 fish. 

Whereas running a DABA campaign is a lot more like fishing in the ocean! 

And with a bit of fine-tuning, you can optimize your dynamic ads so they’ll become the first touchpoint between your brand’s products and NEW potential customers. 

When should you use DABA campaigns?

DABA campaigns are for when you want to get more sales, but from a broad, rather than narrow, audience. 

So in other words, you’ll want to use a DABA campaign when selling to people outside your existing target audience. 

Perfect when you are ready to scale your operation. 

Another way to think about it is that Dynamic Product Ads are used for bottom funnel marketing, whereas DABAs are used for top-funnel marketing. 

You should consider Dynamic Ads Broad Audience if you want to:

  • Sell to people outside your target audience

  • Reach new potential customers

  • Increase brand awareness

  • Separate your brand from the competition

Ultimately, DABAs are a powerful form of paid advertising on Meta because they consider the interests, behaviors, and demographic data of your target audience. 

They’re great for introducing new products or when launching a new marketing campaign because you’ll be getting your products in front of people who’ve already expressed interest in similar products. 

13 tips for creating powerful DABA campaigns

Now, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to creating great ad campaigns, but there are some great learnings you can takeaway for your Dynamic Ads Broad Targeting set up!

Here at Confect, we’ve set up and run hundreds of DPA campaigns, and have sifted through millions of data points, which has helped us come up with the following tips and tricks to optimize your campaigns in the future. 

And based on our experience, there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind to ensure your DABAs are as powerful and persuasive as can be. 

So on that note, let’s dive into the 4 most important areas you’ll want to focus on when creating your next DABA campaign.

  • Creative
  • Ad Copy 
  • Targeting
  • Product & Offer 

Let’s dive in

Creative optimization for DABA’s

No matter what type of ads you create, visually-speaking, the creative (colors, background, images, etc.) usually takes up the most space in your viewer’s social feed. 

That also means that the creative is one of your best assets when it comes to grabbing a viewer’s attention, and reeling ‘em in! 

Here are three different ways to optimize your creatives! 

1. Modifying backgrounds for your catalog ads

One of the biggest changes you can make with a DABA is modifying the background to something more eye-catching and on brand  than just a plain, white background. 

This is probably your biggest win. Not only do you increase the chances of people noticing your ad - clicking or purchasing - but you also get your brand assets in front of an audience that would otherwise have no clue who the advertiser is.

2. Creating brand-specific creatives 

Your broad audience probably hasn’t seen your ads before, so they certainly won’t recognize your logo. 

With Confect, you can actually edit your DABAs to include brand-specific images, logos, etc., ensuring viewers will remember next time they see your ads. 

3. A/B testing your DABAs

Now that you’ve unlocked the ability to edit your ad creatives with Confect Automations, it’s time to double down, and test out what works best for your broader audience. 

A/B testing different ideas is really the only way to study, optimize and squeeze out the best possible performance from your DABAs. 

We recommend testing out different product attributes, backgrounds, colors, images, elements, and only using what works best! 

Ad copy optimization

Next on the list of priority is your ad copy

Of course, the creative is what captures people’s attention, but it’s your ad copy that persuades and can reel ‘em in to close the sale

The trick here is to remember that the ultimate goal of a DABA campaign is to attract NEW customers to your eCommerce business.

Therefore, you want your copy to focus on NEW potential customers, not existing customers, clients, or anyone else who’s already aware of your brand. 

4. Focus on NEW customers 

When writing your copy, don’t assume the reader has any knowledge of who you are or what you’re selling. 

Ideally, you’ll want to write your copy as if you’re introducing your brand and its products to the world for the first time.

5. DO include emojis 

A lot of marketers are hesitant to use emojis, fearing that they might make their copy seem immature or unprofessional. 

But we’ve actually found emojis are a great way to capture attention and boost overall ad performance.   

6. Keep it short

Because they’re unacquainted with your business, you don’t want to overwhelm the reader with too much information. 

So keep your ad copy short and persuasive, hinting only on points that are the most relevant to your audience. 

Targeting Optimization 

Let’s just start off by saying that, yes, DABAs are used to target a broader audience. 

But broad doesn’t mean absolutely everyone, so it is also possible to go too broad.

Remember that there are billions of users on Facebook. 

And while we’re sure your products are great, the truth is that not every registered user is going to be interested in what you have to offer. 

Therefore, you’re still going to want to target your ads based on broader attributes like location, age, and gender.  

You can hone in on these attributes just by using your existing knowledge of your customers. 

After all, you should already know the profile of your ideal buyers. 

Use this information to narrow down your target audience. 

Just don’t narrow it too much! And keep the following tips in mind when optimizing your target audience:

7. Localize your audience & match creative

You can be a bit more personal with your audience.

Target larger regions or cities in the same country.

Include the name of the city or region in your creative.

It's a stunning way to connect with your audience! [GG needs to ad example]

8. Focus on audience interests

Obviously, you’ll want to be showing your ads to people MIGHT be interested in what you’re selling. 

Therefore, you should do your best to match audience interests to your product set. 

For example, if you sell sporting equipment, you might match your audience’s interests to hockey, soccer, basketball, etc. 

9. Consider age 

Age is yet another important demographic that you’ll want to optimize. 

Sure, it’s possible that your products are used by people of all ages. 

But it’s best to narrow down a target range, and exclude any users outside of the average age of your typical buyer. 

10. Exclude existing customers 

Because the goal of DABAs is to find new customers, you don’t want your content shown to people who’ve purchased from your business in the past. 

We recommend excluding customers who’ve purchased within the past 30 days. 

Product Optimization 

Technically, your products are part of the creative.

But there’s a few ways you can optimize your products for your broader audience. 

For this, we recommend using product sets to segment different types of products, and show those products to those who are most likely to be interested in them. 

You can segment your products in a few different ways: 

11. Segmenting by category

There are a ton of different ways you can categorize your products into different segments to optimize for certain events, holidays, seasons, etc. 

For instance, can segment products into a summer or winter collection, and only show them during certain times of year.  

12. Segmenting by offer 

Similarly, there are plenty of different types of sales tactics you can use to brew up some excitement around your products.

You can choose to only show products that are on sale, or those that have recently had their prices lowered. 

13. Product in creative

By default, you are used to having your products centered and in one fixed size. 

However, you can actually freely move the placement and zoom in or out on your product.

 This allows for more design options, such as space for elements like price tags. 

Additionally, you can highlight the quality and detail of your product by zooming in, for example.

Perfecting top funnel marketing with Dynamic Ads for Broad Audiences

DABAs are a great way to increase brand awareness, and get your products in front of people who are already interested in buying them. 

Ultimately, instead of focusing on existing customers or people who already know about your brand, Dynamic Ads for Broad Audiences can help you reach NEW customers. 

And new customers can mean new sales! 

And just by tweaking, testing, and optimizing different elements of your ads, you’ll make sure you’re getting the best possible performance during your next DABA campaign!