Write better ad copy for your dynamic product ads

December 28, 2021

Surprising no one, there’re many things to consider in the creation of a great ad. 

In the end, even if you have matched the right goal and target group with the product set you want to advertise products from, it’s the ad itself that should capture the user's attention and make you want to click further into your website.

Also not surprisingly, it's often important that you here incorporate a catchy video or a good picture as well as a relevant CTA.

But—and this is sadly for many more of a surprise than it ought to be—it is also equally important that your ad text is relevant, targeted, and interesting, so that the users in your target group want to read more and possibly click on to the website.

Sometimes you want creatives over words; other times you want words over creatives.

Ideally, though, you always want a perfect blend of the two.

In our experience, people often forget the power of well-written copy. But that all changes today!


When writing the ad text for your dynamic product ads, one of the most important things is to write text that matches all the products in the product set that you have associated with the ad.

For example, if you have a product set that contains a wide range of product types and brands, be mindful that the text doesn’t become too product or brand specific. And vice versa.

Write ad copy according to the reach of your ad

Broad product set

If you are creating ads for broad targeting, where for example you show all your products that are in stock, you need to make sure that the ad text matches all products from your catalog that may be displayed in the ad.

For instance, if you target everyone who has viewed a product but not put it in the cart or completed a purchase, you may not know exactly which product the user is viewing.

Here you can use the text space to talk about various benefits

Do they get free shipping? Is the delivery faster than your competitors or is there some kind of extra service with the purchase? What do product reviews say?

Narrow product set

If you have instead set up a more specific product set, for instance with products from one brand or products from a specific product category, you can use the text space to describe in more detail about the brand or product category.

For a brand that positions itself as a leader of sustainability and ecology, you can use your text space to tell how the user supports the environment and nature by purchasing one of the products shown in the ad.

Or if you have a webshop that sells equipment for the house and garden, and you would like to advertise your collection of robot vacuum cleaners, you can create a product set only with robot vacuum cleaners.

In the text, you have the opportunity to write specifically about your robot vacuum cleaners, as you know that only these products will appear in your ads. Try to create a need or arouse a feeling in the reader that should make them buy the product.

Remember that in the text you must sell "the why" and not just the robot vacuum cleaners themselves.

Aim to sell people the idea that they can, for example, have more time to do what they like rather than spend time cleaning.

It’s basically a matter of putting yourself in your customer's shoes and thinking about how you will arouse the desire to buy your product.

Never forget your target audience

In addition to your ad text having to match the products that are in the product set, you must also target it towards people who are in your chosen audience.

For example, if you sell toys to children, you can target parents. In the ad text, you must speak directly to the parent and can, for example, write, "Are you looking for a new toy for your child?"

Such a phrase would be inaccurate if you inserted it into an ad that targeted everyone, but by targeting specifically parents, you can also speak specifically to the parent in your ad text.

Use of directory fields

With dynamic ads, it is not only the products that can be made dynamic.

You also have the option of creating dynamic text that matches the product images displayed in the ad.

Here you can, for example, insert the catalog field "product name" in the ad text, with which Facebook inserts the product name of the product that is displayed.

If you use carousel as the ad format, it will always be the name of the product shown in the first image that will be inserted.

It is possible to use several different catalog fields. For instance, you can enter the current price together with the product name. You can also add the fixed price of the product followed by the current price if the product you are displaying is on offer.

By using catalog fields in your ad text, you make your ads even more dynamic, as it is not only images/video that change in relation to the individual user but also the ad text, which in this way only becomes even more relevant to the user.

Remarketing or push ad?

With your DPA campaign, you can target new potential customers but also people who have visited your webshop before without completing a purchase.

How you design your ad text also depends on whether people know your website in advance and may have already shown interest in some specific products, for example by putting them in the shopping cart, or whether they are people who have potentially never heard of your company. before.

In your remarketing ads, you may be a little more direct in your text because you know that the user at some level has shown an interest.

Here it's a little different when you advertise to people who do not know your business in advance.

We have seen good results by using catalog fields both in remarketing campaigns and in promotional campaigns.

For example, in remarketing, you might want to use the ad text space to remind the user that this specific product is still in stock. If the products in the product set are, say cheap, then you can also use the catalog field price to pay extra attention to the good price.


General recommendations for your ad copy

Of course, in addition to the very specific tips for writing dynamic ads, you still need to consider the same things as when writing text for your other ads.

For example, remember that by default, Facebook only shows the first three lines of your ad text. Therefore, be sure to deliver your message right at the beginning of your text.

In order for users not to lose interest almost before they start reading your ad, you must also include your message (your "why") at the very beginning of the text.

Subsequently, you use the text space to describe more about the product and your USPs, i.e. whether you provide free delivery, 24-hour customer service, an extra long return policy, and so on.

If you succeed in catching the users' attention in the first lines, there is a much greater chance that they will click on "See more" and read further in your ad text or, even better, go directly to the webshop.

Depending on what your company's visual expression is and what your attitude is towards the use of emojis, it may also be a good idea to use these.

They are especially good and effective if you have a more informal tone or, for example, use a lot of irony.

But they can also easily be used in postings that are focused on the B2B market or where the message is more serious. Sometimes it's just a matter of finding exactly the emojis you as a company can identify with.

Which can be said of any aspect of ad text. If you don’t identify with your message, chances are neither will your audience.