Catalog Ads in top-funnel ads and prospecting

October 14, 2024


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Here you have the insights in a quick cheat sheet - click to get more details:

The most used product fields in Catalog Ads designs:

The moderately used product fields in Catalog Ads designs:

The rarely used product fields in Catalog Ads designs:

Showing Prices in your Catalog Ads

The lower your customer is in your marketing funnel, the better Catalog Ads with prices typically perform compared to Catalog Ads without prices.

You can learn more about showing prices in your Catalog Ads right here.

Here's how showing prices on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing prices perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing prices.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, prices perform better, and for other brands, prices perform worse.

Showing your Logo in Catalog Ads

Showing your logo in Catalog Ads typically doesn't improve the performance, but we do see some small changes to this based on your audience. The further down in your funnel you are, the more your logo will typically help close the sale.

  • Top-funnel ads, on average, don't see improvements in Return on Ad Spend when showing your logo
  • Bottom-funnel ads see a +14% improvement in Return on Ad Spend when showing your logo

You can see more about showing your logo in Catalog Ads here.

Here's how showing your logo on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing the logo of the advertiser perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing the logo.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, their logo perform better, and for other brands, their logo perform worse.

Showing On-sale designs in your Catalog Ads

Even though sales more often than not will perform better, then sales are especially effective in your bottom funnel and retargeting - making consumers that already know about you very likely to buy.

The more bottom-funnel your ad is, the better a sale will work.

  • Top-funnel ads see a +39% improvement in Return on Ad Spend when showing on-sale designs
  • Bottom-funnel ads see a +68% improvement in Return on Ad Spend when showing on-sale designs

You can see a ton of examples of sales Catalog Ads here, learn more about showing discounts in your Catalog Ads here, and learn more about campaigns in your Catalog Ads here.

Here's how showing on-sale designs on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing on-sale designs perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing on-sale designs.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, on-sale designs perform better, and for other brands, on-sale designs perform worse.

Showing Product Names in your Catalog Ads

Here's how showing product names on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing product names perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing product names.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, product names perform better, and for other brands, product names perform worse.

Showing Original prices in your Catalog Ads

Here's how showing original prices on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing original prices perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing original prices.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, original prices perform better, and for other brands, original prices perform worse.

Showing additional images in your Catalog Ads

When you introduce your products for consumers for the first time, you should not reveal too much information about the product. Don’t overwhelm a curios consumer with too many details - you can always do this later.

Additional images of the product is adding more details, in a visual way - and what we see, is that the lower in your funnel the consumer is, the better additional images work.

  • Top-funnel ads see a +7% improvement in Return on Ad Spend when showing additional images
  • Bottom-funnel ads see a +33% improvement in Return on Ad Spend when showing additional images

You can learn more about showing additional images in your Catalog Ads here.

Here's how showing additional images on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing additional images perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing additional images.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, additional images perform better, and for other brands, additional images perform worse.

Showing Savings and Discounts in your Catalog Ads

Here's how showing savings on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing savings perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing savings.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, savings perform better, and for other brands, savings perform worse.

Showing Dates in your Catalog Ads

Here's how showing dates on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing dates perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing dates.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, dates perform better, and for other brands, dates perform worse.

Highlighting News in your Catalog Ads

Here's how highlighting news on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads highlighting news perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not highlighting news.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, highlighting news perform better, and for other brands, highlighting news perform worse.

Showing Shipping info in your Catalog Ads

Here's how showing shipping info on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing shipping information perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing shipping information.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, shipping info perform better, and for other brands, shipping info perform worse.

Using Product Assets in your Catalog Ads

Here's how showing product assets on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing product assets perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing product assets.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, product assets perform better, and for other brands, product assets perform worse.

Showing Social Proof in your Catalog Ads

Social proof is one of the best-known marketing tactics, and it's more often than not effective at making your customers buy.

Especially customers who don't know you or your products find a lot of trust in your social proof - the earlier in your marketing funnel customers are, the more effective Social Proof is.

  • Top-funnel ads see a +58% improvement in Return on Ad Spend when showing Social Proof
  • Bottom-funnel ads see a +35% improvement in Return on Ad Spend when showing Social Proof

You can learn more about showing ratings and reviews in your Catalog Ads right here.

Here's how showing social proof on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing social proof perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing social proof.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, social proof perform better, and for other brands, social proof perform worse.

Showing Product Brands in your Catalog Ads

Here's how showing brand names on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing brand names perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing brand names.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some retailers, brand names perform better, and for other retailers, brand names perform worse.

Showing Custom_labels in your Catalog Ads

The more consumers learn about you and your products, the more nerdy they typically want to become - and we see this very clearly when looking at Custom_labels, the best way to show custom information in Catalog Ads.

The further down you are in your marketing funnel, the better nerdy and custom information will perform.

  • Top-funnel ads see a +29% improvement in Return on Ad Spend when showing Custom labels
  • Bottom-funnel ads see a +73% improvement in Return on Ad Spend when showing Custom labels

You can learn more about showing custom attributes and features in your Catalog Ads here .

Here's how showing custom labels on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing custom labels perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing custom labels.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, custom labels perform better, and for other brands, custom labels perform worse.

Showing Categories in your Catalog Ads

Here's how showing product categories on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing categories perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing categories.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, categories perform better, and for other brands, categories perform worse.

Showing Product Descriptions in Catalog Ads

Here's how showing descriptions on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing descriptions perform on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing descriptions.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, descriptions perform better, and for other brands, descriptions perform worse.


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