The ultimate guide for using your shop's logo in Catalog Ads

May 9, 2023

When you first started your brand, no one knew about you.

You've worked hard to create awareness and recognition, investing a lot of effort and resources to drill your logo deep into your audience's brains.

Now, when your audience sees your logo, they can recognise your company, its values, and identity.

Having invested so much to build your logo and brand up, it's now time for the logo to bring home the returns.

Here's how showing your logo on average influence Catalog Ads:

Return On Ad Spend


Cost Per Purchase


Click Through Rate


Cost Per Click


Conversion Rate




Showing your logo in Catalog Ads is a great way to capitalise on the presence and trust you've created, and to keep your brand front-of-mind by constantly exposing your audience to it.

And the best part is that it is one of the easiest adjustments to your catalog ads you could make.

Showing your logo in Catalog Ads

Your logo is one of the most important marketing assets your company has.

It represents the presence of your company, including the name and domain, but also the positioning of your brand.

If a customer has had a positive experience with you, or heard positive comments about your company, the logo reminds him of these memories and establishes trust. Even if other competitors replicate and sell the same products, they can't replicate that trust you've worked so hard to create.

Undoubtedly, the larger and more established your brand, the more authority and recognition there is to benefit from.

But even for smaller, less-known brands, you can continue slowly building this presence and trust among your target audience by utilising your logo in Catalog Ads.

When we compared the performance, Catalog Ads that show the advertiser's logo reached a 7% higher ROAS on average.

We also found the following when showing the advertiser's logo:

  • 6% lower Cost per action
  • 3% lower Cost per click
  • 5% lower on-site Conversion rate
  • 3% lower Click-through rate
  • Showing your logo in Catalog Ads typically doesn't improve the performance, but we do see some small changes to this based on your audience. The further down in your funnel you are, the more your logo will typically help close the sale.

    • Top-funnel ads, on average, don't see improvements in Return on Ad Spend when showing your logo
    • Bottom-funnel ads see a +14% improvement in Return on Ad Spend when showing your logo

    There's a virtually infinite number of ways to use your logo in Catalog Ads - different placements, different sizes.

    The optimal way to show your logo will depend on your brand designs as well as your audience's preference - it's a question that requires an A/B test to answer definitively.

    So we'll just give you a few examples for inspiration, as well as some important considerations to decide what's best for you.

    The first option you might encounter is having the logo in a large size, drawing a lot of attention.

    Since the logo is very big, it doesn't leave a lot of space for other information such as product information or other text.

    With this method, the logo, with its trust and authority, is the main selling point.

    We'd recommend this option for very big and well-known brands, where most of the audience is quite familiar with your company, or for products that speak for themselves without the need for much additional information.

    The alternative to the first method is having the logo in a small size.

    This is perfect if you want the ad to be more product-focused than brand-focused, as it leaves space for additional information such as product features, delivery information, or any other details that your customers find relevant.

    With this method, the product is the star and the main selling point. Your logo just provides that bit of extra branding, helping to create recognition, instead of doing all the heavy lifting.

    This last option is taking subtlety to the max.

    In this example, the logo is used in the background, being almost see-through. It utilises the Gestalt principle of closure, where our brain can fill in the parts covered by the product if we've seen the logo before. If you're located in Denmark, you probably already know which logo is hiding in the background, recognising it from the unique font.

    This is a great option if you want to subconsciously expose your audience to the logo without sacrificing valuable space to place it in the design. Alternatively, you could also use a repeating pattern of your logo for the background.

    But it doesn't have to stop there!

    Non-logo brand assets

    Another option could be using other brand assets than your logo - for example by using your brand colours or font for the text if they're distinct and recognisable enough.

    In this example, Elgigantent uses a background shape that mirrors their logo. To the majority of Danes, this curved background is enough to recognise the company, even if the logo wasn't present.

    For example, if CocaCola made a red-coloured ad with their staple font for the headline, everyone would know that it's their ad even without seeing the logo.

    So get creative and start branding your ads for optimal performance.

    How to add a logo in your Catalog Ads

    Here at Confect, it's our mission to make it as simple as possible to reach higher performance through improved designs for Catalog Ads.

    What if we told you that you could make your ads 7% more effective on average in just a few simple steps?

    1. Create a new design in Confect

    2. Add media

    3. Upload your transparent-background logo

    4. Position it in the design

    5. Voila!

    Read about how to create designs - or learn how to customize your Catalog Ads designs with Confect here.

    If you want all the data and insights we have about designing Catalog Ads, based on billions of impressions, you can see it right here.