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5 great ads for grabbing attention

#1 The golden shirt
All teams want to win their league – and Club América is not an exception.
Their black and white shirt is placed on a golden background symbolizing their league/cup-win. The gold is a somewhat dark color making it the perfect mix between the white and black on the shirt.
You can feel the motion from the hanging shirts making you look at them together with the light-source being placed in the middle, behind the shirts, making it look like the source of light.

#2 Let me introduce the Airpods
Who does not want some nice air pods? Especially when they are standing on a podium – directing your focus to the product standing there.
The background is a blue which is very dark compared to the airpods, making them stand out.
The red sign is very visible with the bright red color, making sure you look at the text of it.
A nice detail is that the shadows from price-circles looks like they are shooting out from the background, giving it motion – and attention.

#3 Woof woof!
This great ad is using pastel colors as their background creating a nice contrast. You eyes will see the quite unsaturated and light background together with the dark and saturated objects/ text.
The ad is nicely structured with the upper third being used for text and the bottom 2/3 being used for the objects.
It’s telling a great story in just a single image – by making a conflict between the left and the right side. Great job!

#4 Good looking wine
If you look at these wines you will not be the only one – there’s two friends looking at them too!
Because two faces are looking towards the wines you will look at them too.
This is exaggerated by the dark tones of the wine compared to the light tones from the background and the middle-toned persons.

#5 Shirt power!
Our brain quickly recognizes other people – especially faces.
So immediately our attention is on the three men. The background is yellow as are the men’s shirts, but the shorts & the motives/text on the shirts are blue. The color difference in the ad makes the shirt pop out.
There is exactly one-third of the ad, for each man. This gives a feeling of control and continuity.