When is it best to use a logo in e-commerce ads?
August 31, 2022
There is a big split between brand marketing and performance marketing. It’s almost two sides of a war, but with the twist that the two sides need to work together.
It’s not abnormal to slap your logo in everything you post because everyone loves your brand, so why shouldn’t you use your logo?
Every marketer has probably thought that.
Of course, your logo is the heart of your brand; it’s simply the most important distinct brand asset.
It’s a great asset to get people to remember your brand.
But how does your logo affect performance when you want to get purchases here and now? And not necessarily focus on building brand equity.
Let’s find out
Is it worth having a logo in an e-commerce ad?

Generally, Facebook ads with a logo in the content perform 14% worse - when optimizing for purchases - compared to Facebook ads without a logo in the content.
A potential customer might feel that an ad, including your logo, feels too much like you’re trying to sell them your product (which you, of course, are)
Including your logo in the content might also make the ad less personal, so it won’t catch the user's attention when they see it in the middle of content that their real-life acquaintances are posting.
But on the other hand, including your logo might make them remember your brand the next time they see an ad from you.
So the question is if you should just live with the 14% fewer conversions and focus on building your brand long-term - or instead focus on other brand elements, like your colors, fonts, and your brand's ‘feeling.’
That way, you might get people to remember your brand, while you won’t get a negative impact on performance that you would see by using your logo
However, the impact of a logo changes when looking at Top vs Bottom funnel, Lead generation, Remarketing, or Story ads. It is always important to consider the specifics of your campaign.
For ads that focus on NEW , logo is good idea
It’s, of course, not always the case that your logo will decrease performance; for instance, when launching new products, a logo will slightly increase performance.
Novelty is usually a great way to sell products; that’s nothing new.
But when the user sees an ad about a new product that they don’t know, from a brand they don’t know - everything seems really unknown, and it’s hard to convince yourself to buy a novel product from an unknown brand.
That’s why a logo might help convince the user to buy your new product; when you include your logo, there’s only one unknown factor they must consider - your new product.
Additionally, if the user already knows your brand and likes it, they will recognize your logo and probably be likelier to buy your new product.
So, generally including your logo in content that’s advertising new products - is a great idea.
New collections are a staple of the fashion industry. Click here to learn about logos in fashion content.
Ads with shipping details and logo work great
When advertising your shipping possibilities (quick shipping, free shipping, etc.) people are often ready to buy; it’s the last step of the buyer journey as an eCommerce company.
You don’t find an eCommerce website with fast shipping and then find a product you want to buy. You find a product you want to buy and then find the site with the best shipping options.
When the customer is so far down the funnel, it’s important to show your brand, i.e., your logo, together with your shipping USPs because the customer wants to buy from you & not your competitors.
That’s why including your logo in content talking about shipping, you might see an increase in performance of up to 36%
How to include your brand's logo in your eCommerce ads?
If you're looking for an easy way to design and edit your ads to make them more relevant to your brand, its product or services, and your customers, then Confect is precisely what the doctor ordered!
With Confect, you can easily design, edit, and customize your product ads to include logos, price information, and more!
And the best part is that you can try a free demo of Confect today!
Click here to see how you can design and edit the best performing eCommerce ads on Facebook!
Data section
The dataset from this article is based on 5.6B impressions and 10.3K pieces of individual content on Meta (Facebook) platforms. It takes into account data from all countries and industries, with the campaign objective of Conversions. The period is from 1. September 2021 - 6. July 2022.
Numbers are looking at correlation only, not causation. Remember to check your own data: numbers for different brands, industries, and contexts will vary.
If you were intrigued about a specific insight, you can go in-depth into the various dimensions and how data can be segmented in Confect, here.