Catalog Ads for Black Friday & Black Week

October 3, 2024

If you are using Catalog Ads during Black Month, Black Week, Black Friday, or Cyber Monday - or any other campaign period in theory - we have made the perfect guide for you.

We have studied thousands of Catalog Ads designs that ran during Black Week 2023, across 269 million impressions, to understand how showing different product fields and information influence the performance of designs during Black Week.


You can see how different Catalog Ads designs perform outside Black Week right here. Here you will see data based on 6.5 billion impressions.

Let's get started!

Here you have the insights in a quick cheat sheet - click to get more details:

The most used product fields in Catalog Ads designs during Black Week:

The moderately used product fields in Catalog Ads designs during Black Friday:

The rarely used product fields in Catalog Ads designs during Black Week:

Showing Prices in Catalog Ads during Black Week

Prices are a key factor for Black Week shoppers, who often make snap purchasing decisions based on the discounts offered.

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) during Black Week typically sees a significant increase, around +62%, due to the heightened urgency and price-focused consumer behavior. However, outside of Black Week, this rise in ROAS is more moderate, at around +41%.

This is one of the most essential elements to include in your ad design, as customers often rely on price information to make purchasing decisions quickly.

The Catalog Ad above from Currys is a great example of highlighting prices very clearly together with the savings.

On top of this, they also show the brand logo, the name of the product, and more details on the black Friday deal at the bottom of the design - giving the customer all the details they need.

Here's how showing prices influence Catalog Ads during Black Friday:

Return On Ad Spend


+41% outside black week

Cost Per Purchase


-2% outside black week

Click Through Rate


-16% outside black week

Cost Per Click


-5% outside black week

Conversion Rate


+10% outside black week



63% outside black week

These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing prices performed on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing prices during black week 2023.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, prices perform better, and for other brands, prices perform worse.

Advantages of showing product prices during Black Friday:

  • Customers know exactly what deal they’re getting, which motivates quicker decisions during high-pressure sales like Black Friday.
  • Helps customers quickly compare discounts between similar products.
  • During Black Friday, many shoppers are on the hunt for the best prices, and showing yours upfront helps capture their attention.

Disadvantages of showing product prices during Black Week:

  • If your discounts aren't as good as competitors, displaying the price may lead shoppers to abandon the purchase.
  • Black Friday buyers are often focused on finding bargains, which can reduce loyalty to your brand if they’re only chasing deals.
  • Displaying prices during Black Friday might diminish the premium feel of high-end products, where exclusivity and brand image matter more than cost.

If you're interested, we also have a guide on showing prices in Catalog Ads outside black week.

Showing your Logo in Catalog Ads during Black Friday

Logos help reinforce brand identity, but during Black Week, their impact may be overshadowed by the heavy focus on discounts and deals.

ROAS can dip by as much as -38% during Black Week if logos are overused or misapplied, but outside of Black Week, it may still boost by +7% as logos help build long-term brand recognition.

Using logos in multiple ads is effective for branding, but it can feel repetitive when displayed in every carousel card.

The Catalog Ad above from Answear is a good example of showing your logo very visibly without making it intrusive or disturbing for the viewer.

Here's how showing your logo influence Catalog Ads during Black Week:

Return On Ad Spend


+7% outside black week

Cost Per Purchase


-6% outside black week

Click Through Rate


-3% outside black week

Cost Per Click


-3% outside black week

Conversion Rate


-5% outside black week



54% outside black week

These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing the logo of the advertiser performed on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing the logo during black week 2023.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, their logo perform better, and for other brands, their logo perform worse.

Advantages of showing your logo during Black Week:

  • Builds trust with shoppers familiar with your brand.
  • Reinforces brand recognition during these high-volume shopping periods.
  • Ideal for retargeting customers during Black Friday frenzy.

Disadvantages of showing your logo during Black Friday:

  • Can overwhelm the design if shown repeatedly across multiple ads.
  • Distracts from the urgency of Black Friday discounts.
  • May lower performance for less-recognized brands.

If you’re interested, we also have a guide on showing your logo in Catalog Ads outside Black Week.

Showing On-sale designs in Catalog Ads during Black Week

On-sale designs capture attention quickly, as Black Week shoppers are actively searching for the best discounts and limited-time offers.

ROAS for on-sale designs typically spikes by +50% during Black Week, driven by the appeal of limited-time offers. Outside of Black Week, the effect is still notable, with a +48% increase.

This can include discounts, special promotions, or even limited-time sales, helping customers quickly identify the best deals.

The Catalog Ad above from JD Sports is a good example of a sale design - very visibly showing how this is a black friday deal with the black and yellow colors.

Here's how showing on-sale designs influence Catalog Ads during Black Friday:

Return On Ad Spend


+48% outside black week

Cost Per Purchase


-22% outside black week

Click Through Rate


+2% outside black week

Cost Per Click


-26% outside black week

Conversion Rate


-11% outside black week



54% outside black week

These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing on-sale designs performed on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing on-sale designs during black week 2023.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, on-sale designs perform better, and for other brands, on-sale designs perform worse.

Remember that your sale designs don't have to be covered in black and yellow if you want your brand to be more high-end looking.

The Catalog Ad below from Sumo Strength is a good example of a sale design that's not too "cheap" or yellow - but still very attractive to consumers.

Advantages of showing sale-designs during Black Friday:

  • Drives urgency with clear Black Friday promotions.
  • Encourages impulse buying with limited-time offers.
  • Increases sales volume during heavy traffic periods.

Disadvantages of showing sale-designs during Black Week:

  • Can diminish perceived brand value by overemphasizing discounts.
  • May attract only deal-seekers, reducing long-term customer loyalty.
  • Decreases margins if overused.

If you’re interested, we also have a guide on showing on-sale designs in Catalog Ads outside Black Week.

Showing Product Names in Catalog Ads during Black Friday

Product names provide clarity, but during Black Week, shoppers are often more focused on prices and discounts than on product details.

During Black Week, ROAS tends to drop by -15% when product names are shown, as customers may prioritize price or deals over product details. However, outside of Black Week, showing product names on average result in a +22% increase.

Product names can be as detailed as “Apple iPhone 16 Pro MAX 256GB in black” or as simple as “iPhone 16 Pro MAX.”

The Catalog Ad above from Beauty Market is a good example of showing product names, making it easy to understand what the product actually is.

Here's how showing product names influence Catalog Ads during Black Week:

Return On Ad Spend


+22% outside black week

Cost Per Purchase


-20% outside black week

Click Through Rate


+0% outside black week

Cost Per Click


-9% outside black week

Conversion Rate


+6% outside black week



46% outside black week

These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing product names performed on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing product names during black week 2023.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, product names perform better, and for other brands, product names perform worse.

Advantages of showing product names during Black Week:

  • Makes it easier to compare products in the fast-paced Black Friday environment.
  • Helps brand recognition for well-known products.
  • Adds clarity when multiple products are shown.

Disadvantages of showing product names during Black Friday:

  • May not matter if the name is unknown or generic.
  • Takes focus away from price or Black Friday offers itself.
  • Clutters the design when space is limited.

If you’re interested, we also have a guide on showing product names in Catalog Ads outside Black Week.

Showing Original prices in Catalog Ads during Black Week

Displaying original prices alongside discounts helps customers instantly see the value they’re getting, which can be especially important during Black Week.

It's a bit interesting though: ROAS decreases by -8% during Black Week when original prices are shown. However, outside Black Week, ROAS jumps by +30% as original prices help consumers understand the value of their savings.

Original prices are hidden for non-discounted products, but they become a powerful motivator when a discount is applied.

The Catalog Ad above from Ecoflow is a good example of showing the original price in a subtle way next to the current sale price so the customer understands the full value.

Here's how showing original prices influence Catalog Ads during Black Friday:

Return On Ad Spend


+30% outside black week

Cost Per Purchase


-17% outside black week

Click Through Rate


-5% outside black week

Cost Per Click


-25% outside black week

Conversion Rate


-9% outside black week



32% outside black week

These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing original prices performed on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing original prices during black week 2023.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, original prices perform better, and for other brands, original prices perform worse.

Advantages of showing original prices during Black Friday:

  • Highlights the depth of Black Friday discounts.
  • Encourages purchases by making savings clear and transparent.
  • Will hopefully increase perceived deal value.

Disadvantages of showing original prices during Black Week:

  • Continuous discounting may harm brand perception.
  • If the discount isn’t significant, customers may look elsewhere.
  • Shifts focus from product quality to price.

If you’re interested, we also have a guide on showing original prices in Catalog Ads outside Black Week.

Showing additional images in Catalog Ads during Black Friday

Additional images offer different perspectives of a product, which can be useful, but during Black Week, shoppers may prioritize speed over detail.

ROAS on average decreased by -6% when additional images are used during Black Week, as the main focus should be on the deals themselves. However, outside Black Week, the drop is only -1%.

Both -6% and -1% are very small performance differences though, so think about using additional images more as a brand-initiative thing than a performance-initiative.

Additional images can be used by showing a different image than the main one, or multiple angles of the same product, helping customers visualize it better.

The Catalog Ad above from PrettyLittleThing is a good example of showing multiple images of the same product while keeping a Black Friday feeling with great discounts.

Here's how showing additional images influence Catalog Ads during Black Week:

Return On Ad Spend


-1% outside black week

Cost Per Purchase


-4% outside black week

Click Through Rate


+10% outside black week

Cost Per Click


+2% outside black week

Conversion Rate


-7% outside black week



32% outside black week

These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing additional images performed on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing additional images during black week 2023.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, additional images perform better, and for other brands, additional images perform worse.

Advantages of showing additional images during Black Week:

  • Gives shoppers more details to make quick Black Friday decisions.
  • Shows products in different contexts, boosting purchase confidence.
  • Enhances ad engagement by showcasing features.

Disadvantages of showing additional images during Black Friday:

  • Risks cluttering the ad and reducing focus on deals.
  • Could overwhelm users with too much information.
  • Might be redundant for straightforward products.

If you’re interested, we also have a guide on showing additional images in Catalog Ads outside Black Week.

Showing Savings and Discounts during Black Week

Highlighting savings and discounts is critical during Black Week, where urgency and perceived value drive purchasing decisions.

ROAS skyrockets by +77% during Black Week when savings and discounts are displayed, as price-sensitive shoppers look for the best bargains. Outside of Black Week, ROAS still sees a +57% increase.

Savings can be shown as a percentage (e.g., 40% off) or as a monetary value (e.g., save $150), offering transparency and urgency when the product is discounted.

The Catalog Ad above from HiFi Klubben is a good example of highlighting savings and discounts in a very visible way with the colored discount splash.

Here's how showing savings influence Catalog Ads during Black Friday:

Return On Ad Spend


+57% outside black week

Cost Per Purchase


-14% outside black week

Click Through Rate


+2% outside black week

Cost Per Click


-18% outside black week

Conversion Rate


+5% outside black week



29% outside black week

These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing savings performed on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing savings during black week 2023.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, savings perform better, and for other brands, savings perform worse.

Advantages of showing savings during Black Friday:

  • Creates urgency with clear Black Friday savings.
  • Simplifies decision-making for price-sensitive buyers.
  • Encourages impulse purchases during limited-time sales.

Disadvantages of showing savings during Black Week:

  • Focuses too much on price, reducing emphasis on product quality.
  • Attracts discount-driven customers with less loyalty.
  • Could lower margins if overused.

If you’re interested, we also have a guide on showing savings and discounts in Catalog Ads outside Black Week.

Showing Dates in Catalog Ads during Black Friday

Dates create a sense of urgency, particularly during Black Week, when limited-time offers are a core driver of customer action.

ROAS increases by +20% during Black Week when dates are displayed, driven by the urgency that time-limited offers create. Outside of Black Week, this impact is slightly lower at +14%.

Dates can highlight when a sale ends, promotional periods like Cyber Week, or special days like Valentine’s Day, adding to the urgency of the promotion.

The Catalog Ad above from Adidas is a good example of creating urgency, showing how many days there are left of these deals.

Here's how showing dates influence Catalog Ads during Black Week:

Return On Ad Spend


+14% outside black week

Cost Per Purchase


-16% outside black week

Click Through Rate


-6% outside black week

Cost Per Click


+13% outside black week

Conversion Rate


+9% outside black week



22% outside black week

These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing dates performed on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing dates during black week 2023.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, dates perform better, and for other brands, dates perform worse.

Dates are especially effective for multi-brand stores.

  • Brands and DTC companies, on average, don't see improvements in Return on Ad Spend when showing dates
  • Multi-brand stores see a +49% improvement in Return on Ad Spend when showing dates

Advantages of showing dates during Black Week:

  • Highlights time-sensitive Black Friday offers.
  • Encourages immediate action due to time limits.
  • Differentiates Black Friday promotions from regular offers.

Disadvantages of showing dates during Black Friday:

  • Can clutter the design with unnecessary details.
  • Distracts from core product features or discounts.
  • Less suitable for premium or evergreen products.

If you’re interested, we also have a guide on showing dates in Catalog Ads outside Black Week.

Highlighting News in Catalog Ads during Black Week

New products generate excitement, and Black Week can be a prime time to showcase fresh arrivals, or the newest deals and offers you have.

ROAS increases by +20% during Black Week, as shoppers are drawn to new releases and exclusive offers. However, outside Black Week, this approach might backfire, leading to a -5% drop in ROAS.

Showing news can be done by labeling products as “new arrivals” or "new deal" during this period, or creating entire designs focused on recently launched products.

The Catalog Ad above from Footlocker is an example of using new in a different way - here giving new customers a 15% voucher code.

Here's how highlighting news influence Catalog Ads during Black Friday:

Return On Ad Spend


-5% outside black week

Cost Per Purchase


-18% outside black week

Click Through Rate


+5% outside black week

Cost Per Click


-26% outside black week

Conversion Rate


-26% outside black week



20% outside black week

These numbers show how Catalog Ads highlighting news performed on average compared to Catalog Ads not highlighting news during black week 2023.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, highlighting news perform better, and for other brands, highlighting news perform worse.

Advantages of highlighting new products during Black Friday:

  • Attracts attention with exclusive Black Friday launches.
  • Appeals to trend-focused shoppers seeking the latest items.
  • Can also be used to mention new sales.

Disadvantages of highlighting new products during Black Week:

  • New items may not benefit from Black Friday discount focus.
  • Overwhelms customers already focused on deals.
  • Could reduce interest in older, discounted products.

If you’re interested, we also have a guide on highlighting news in Catalog Ads outside Black Week.

Showing Shipping info in Catalog Ads during Black Friday

Shipping information can influence purchase decisions, but during Black Week, customers may be more focused on the deal itself than on logistical details.

Shipping is actually heavily influencing Catalog Ads performance - in the wrong way than what you might be thinking.

ROAS typically falls by -51% during Black Week when shipping information is displayed, as customers may focus more on deals and less on logistical details. Outside of Black Week, the drop is far less significant at -2%.

Shipping info can include free shipping offers, delivery times, or return policies, all of which help build trust with the buyer.

The Catalog Ad above from Steve Madden is a good example of why shipping information might hurt performance - if the offer you want to tell customers about is free shipping, it doesn't sound like a good Black Friday deal.

Here's how showing shipping info influence Catalog Ads during Black Week:

Return On Ad Spend


-2% outside black week

Cost Per Purchase


-27% outside black week

Click Through Rate


-1% outside black week

Cost Per Click


-18% outside black week

Conversion Rate


-16% outside black week



17% outside black week

These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing shipping information performed on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing shipping information during black week 2023.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, shipping info perform better, and for other brands, shipping info perform worse.

Advantages of showing shipping info during Black Week:

  • Reduces buyer hesitation with free or fast shipping promises.
  • Helps Black Friday shoppers make quick decisions.
  • Clarifies logistical details for high-volume purchases.

Disadvantages of showing shipping info during Black Friday:

  • Will shift focus away from the deal or product itself.
  • Adds complexity to understanding yuor Black Friday ad quickly.
  • If your shipping info is the thing you wanted to highlight during Black Friday, you probably don't have that many great deals

If you’re interested, we also have a guide on showing shipping info in Catalog Ads outside Black Week.

Using Product Assets in Catalog Ads during Black Week

Product assets like logos, ratings, and certifications enhance credibility and trust, making them a valuable addition during Black Week.

ROAS experiences a massive +82% boost during Black Week when product assets like brand logos, ratings, or features are shown. Outside of Black Week, the increase is similarly high at +80%.

Product assets can visually highlight important information, such as product features, brand logos, or quality ratings, enhancing the ad’s appeal.

The Catalog Ad above from Dell is a good example of using Product Assets to show features in a visual way - in this case the type of processor inside the computer.

Here's how showing product assets influence Catalog Ads during Black Friday:

Return On Ad Spend


+80% outside black week

Cost Per Purchase


-33% outside black week

Click Through Rate


+8% outside black week

Cost Per Click


-12% outside black week

Conversion Rate


+23% outside black week



12% outside black week

These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing product assets performed on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing product assets during black week 2023.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, product assets perform better, and for other brands, product assets perform worse.

Advantages of showing product assets during Black Friday:

  • Visually highlights important product features during Black Friday.
  • Adds clarity to ads by showcasing ratings, logos, or certifications.
  • Makes the ad more engaging for shoppers.

Disadvantages of showing product assets during Black Week:

  • Can distract from the core Black Friday offers.
  • Risks cluttering the ad if too many assets are shown.
  • May confuse buyers if visual elements are excessive.

If you’re interested, we also have a guide on using product assets in Catalog Ads outside Black Week.

Showing Social Proof in Catalog Ads during Black Friday

Social proof has a measurable impact during Black Friday, with a +24% increase in Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). However, outside of Black Week, the effect is even more significant, boosting ROAS by +31%.

Showing social proof can be achieved in various ways, including displaying product ratings, awards, reviews from trusted sources like Trustpilot, or using badges such as “bestseller” or “popular.” These elements help create trust and influence customers’ purchasing decisions.

The Catalog Ad above from Inet is a good example of highlighting social proof via their star ratings - making it possible for me to make a quick buying decision now other people have rated this 4.7 out of 5 stars.

Here's how showing social proof influence Catalog Ads during Black Week:

Return On Ad Spend


+31% outside black week

Cost Per Purchase


-1% outside black week

Click Through Rate


-22% outside black week

Cost Per Click


+19% outside black week

Conversion Rate


+46% outside black week



11% outside black week

These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing social proof performed on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing social proof during black week 2023.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, social proof perform better, and for other brands, social proof perform worse.

Advantages of showing social proof during Black Week:

  • Boosts trust by showing ratings during a high-stakes shopping event.
  • Increases perceived product value with positive reviews.
  • Encourages purchases by mitigating risk.

Disadvantages of showing social proof during Black Friday:

  • Can overwhelm the ad with too much information.
  • May be redundant if shown across multiple ads.
  • Backfires if ratings or reviews are not favorable.

If you’re interested, we also have a guide on showing social proof in Catalog Ads outside Black Week.

Showing Brands in Catalog Ads during Black Week

Brand recognition can help customers make quicker decisions, especially during Black Week, when brand loyalty often competes with discount hunting. But shoppers seems more deal-focused than brand-focused during this week.

ROAS increases slightly by +6% during Black Week, but brands can see a much larger improvement of +44% outside this period when brand names are emphasized.

Brand names can be showcased via logos or text, making it easier for customers to identify their preferred brands in a crowded marketplace.

The Catalog Ad above from Sunglasses Hut is a good example of highlighting the brand of the product very clearly when the brand is important, but difficult to digest from the product image itself.

Here's how showing brand names influence Catalog Ads during Black Friday:

Return On Ad Spend


+44% outside black week

Cost Per Purchase


+11% outside black week

Click Through Rate


+22% outside black week

Cost Per Click


-34% outside black week

Conversion Rate


-13% outside black week



10% outside black week

These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing brand names performed on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing brand names during black week 2023.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some retailers, brand names perform better, and for other retailers, brand names perform worse.

Advantages of showing product brands during Black Week:

  • Appeals to shoppers loyal to specific brands during Black Friday.
  • Builds trust with known brands in a competitive environment.
  • Simplifies decision-making for brand-conscious buyers.

Disadvantages of showing product brands during Black Friday:

  • Can detract from price-focused messaging during Black Friday.
  • Confuses customers if brands are unfamiliar.
  • Adds complexity to quick decision-making if the brand isn't important.

If you’re interested, we also have a guide on showing brands in Catalog Ads outside Black Week.

Showing Custom_labels in Catalog Ads during Black Friday

Custom labels help highlight important product details or special categories, adding extra context for customers during Black Week.

ROAS doesn't increase or decrease on average when showing Custom Labels during Black Week, although outside Black Week, this jumps to +37%.

Custom labels can indicate product features, meta information like “outlet” or “deal,” or highlight new arrivals.

The Catalog Ad above from Taiga is a good example of using custom information via custom_labels, in this case which features the product has - making it easy to compare the different offers.

Here's how showing custom labels influence Catalog Ads during Black Week:

Return On Ad Spend


+37% outside black week

Cost Per Purchase


+4% outside black week

Click Through Rate


-10% outside black week

Cost Per Click


-21% outside black week

Conversion Rate


-13% outside black week



8% outside black week

These numbers show how Catalog Ads showing custom labels performed on average compared to Catalog Ads not showing custom labels during black week 2023.

Remember that these are average numbers. For some brands, custom labels perform better, and for other brands, custom labels perform worse.

Advantages of showing custom_labels during Black Friday:

  • Effective if tied to the context behind the sale (only on sale today, 300 products on sale in total, etc)
  • Can be used to compare different products in the same product carousel.

Disadvantages of showing custom_labels during Black Week:

  • May not engage customers if labels aren't relevant to Black Friday.
  • Less effective if not clearly tied to Black Friday deals.
  • Could clutter the ad if too many labels are shown.

If you’re interested, we also have a guide on showing custom_labels in Catalog Ads outside Black Week.


You can see how different Catalog Ads designs perform outside Black Week right here. Here you will see data based on 6.5 billion impressions.

Information about the study, for the nerds:

Data is based on 269 million impressions and $2.3 million in ad spend during Black Week 2023 and Cyber Week 2023. In other words, data is from November 20th 2023 - November 30th 2023.

Data is across 300 ecommerce advertisers all over the world, in different industries, using 1.6k different designs in the time period.

All the Catalog Ads in the study were designed with Confect.