How to use Confect Analytics for Black Week

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How to use Confect Analytics for Black Week

Discover what content works the best for Black Friday and use learning in your campaigns.

In our hands-on session, you got the chance to ask questions and get access to the insight you are most interested in.

Join us on 19th of October at 10am CET

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Confect analytics for Black Friday

Here's a what you will learn:

colors for black friday
colors for black friday
colors for black friday
colors for black friday
  • What colors should you consider for Black Friday?It's not a Black Friday ad if there is no Black color in it. But what should be the best accent color to increase purchases?
  • Confect analytics and performance data.Understand how Confect's image processing paired up with performance data can give you content insights no one else has.
  • Improving your creative will improve your results.Quality and relevance of your creative is the most important element in ad you can improve to gain maximum result.
  • Logos for Black Friday? Yeey or Neey?Confects ai can detect logo presence in Content. We then can filter further on campaign goals and periods to find valuable data for Black Friday.

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