10 tips to increase purchases with Facebook ads
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10 tips to increase purchases with Facebook ads
Are you tired of "raise your budgets to get more conversions " Meta tips? Join us and discover simple tips on how you can improve your creative and ad quality which results in more purchases.
Join us on 2nd of November at 10am CET
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Here's a what you will learn:

- Mentioning "price" can increase your purchase rate.Payday can deliver exceptionally high purchase rate if you talk about product price or savings.
- Should you use humans to increase purchase rate? Generally speaking, humans help to sell products better. In some industries like fashion, they work even better.
- Facebooks 20% text rule is outdated.More text is more sales? For most advertisers it is true. Having more text in your creative can increase the purchase rate.
- How bad is ad fatigue for your purchase rate?Ad fatigue can seriously lower your purchase rate. Keeping your content fresh and relevant can be give you desired results.
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