Personalize designs with smart rules

Personalize designs with smart rules

Create dynamic designs that adjust based on your product details like price, custom labels, discount, category, or alike.

product data in catalog ads meta design add info overlay

Used by top-performing e-commerce companies

IKEA branded logo black and white
Audi branded logo black and white
ecco logo example black and white
LEGO wear company logo example black and white
Jack & jones logo example in black and white
Sketchers show brand logo example in black and white
Intersport logo example in black and white
JYSK company branded logo example in black and white
    product data in catalog ads meta facebook instagram feed

    Designs that match each product's details

    Automatically tailor your catalog ads to each product by inserting the most relevant information directly into the Catalog Ad.

    This makes your ads more relevant and engaging, improving performance.

    design rules change design meta catalog ads

    Automatically change design templates with smart rules

    Set up rules to switch between different templates based on product attributes like category or promotions.

    This ensures that all your products are always represented in the best way possible - with the best-fitting design template.

    brand logo custom labels meta catalog ads design

    Enchance your ads with brand logos, ratings and key product info

    Easily add important elements like brand logos, customer ratings, and unique selling points to your catalog ads.

    This informs your shoppers and helps them make faster buying decisions.

    black friday schedule design changes meta catalog ads

    Automate & schedule your design changes

    Schedule design updates for seasonal campaigns, flash sales, or product launches in advance.

    This ensures your ads always display the right message at the right time without extra effort.

    Start a 30 day free trial now

    intersport black and white brand logo

    Confect updates our content automatically everywhere from big campaigns to small changes in price or inserting the brand logos dynamically.

    Thomas Nordbord profile Intersport CMO
    Thomas Nordborg
    CMO, Intersport
    JYSK VIN logo black and white

    Confect is intuitively easy to use and makes our content stand out.

    Esben Segel profile picture marketing specialist at Jysk Vin
    Esben Segel
    Marketing Specialist, Jysk Vin
    refurb logo in black and white

    Confect gives us the opportunity to make remarketing and prospecting even more efficient in regards to ROI and ROAS - without compromising our visual identity.

    Denis Lauritzen head of ecommerce at refurb
    Dennis Lauritzen
    Head of eCommerce, Refurb
    philipson wine logo in black and white

    We are using Confect across all of our channels. It provides an easy use and setup along with great ROI in E-commerce solutions.

    Jacob Zerlang Philipson digital marketing manager profile picture
    Jacob Zerlang Philipson
    Digital Marketing Manager, Philipson Wine