Design your Catalog Ads and unleash their super-powers
Design your Catalog Ads with Confect
Used by leading e-commerce companies


Increase your revenue
With Confect you can improve your performance by running multiple designs of your Catalog Ads.

Build your brand
With Confect you can use your brand assets in your Catalog Ads and outshine your competitors.

Scale your campaigns
With Confect you can switch the designs of your Catalog Ads based on all your campaigns.

Turn Catalog Ads into videos
With Confect you can make Product Level Videos and Video Catalog Ads on Meta and TikTok.
Unleash the super-powers of your Catalog Ads
Ready to improve your Catalog Ads?

Automating our content with Confect has opened for many new use-cases and possibilities in our marketing.

Confect gives us the opportunity to make remarketing and prospecting even more efficient in regards to ROI and ROAS - without compromising our visual identity.

We have seen a significantly better Return On Ad Spend since we started using Confect.

Confect increases revenue, is 100% automated, and the support is fantastic. What is not to like!